Quick Facts

Quick facts - 10.05.2016

Technoflex wins an award!

Selected by a panel composed of entrepreneurs and experts, Technoflex has won the Plastics Processing Trophy in the “International Development&#...

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Quick facts - 07.03.2016

Technoflex took part in the first Innovation Tour

As every year, our teams were present at the Pharmapack trade show. At the request of Plastipolis*, we took part in the first edition of the Innovatio...

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Quick facts - 11.11.2015

Anamorphose in Zagreb

Following the huge success of the first presentation of Anamorphose in Paris at the 2012 Nuit Blanche event, Pascale Peyret has been invited to exhibi...

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Quick facts - 02.11.2015

A fast-track approval system for orphan drugs in Japan

Several years ago the European and American drug regulation authorities (EMA and FDA) set up a fast-track approval system for orphan drugs, unlike Jap...

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Quick facts - 18.09.2015

Drug approval in Hong Kong: more flexibility and less rigidity

Many patients in Hong Kong are waiting to get access to new drugs. Only 20 to 50 medicines are registered each year. The University of Hong Kong stres...

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Quick facts - 17.09.2015

Repair lesions caused by Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease

The recent research partnership between the University of Saskatchewan and the Neuroregeneration Research Institute of McLean Hospital* provides a gli...

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Quick facts - 17.07.2015

Antibiotiques, un espoir ?

Si les principaux antibiotiques ont été développés entre les années 40 et 60, les recherches depuis les années 80 se sont essentiellement concentrées ...

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