“Bisphenol A” law enacted
Enacted and published in the French Journal Officiel, the law suspending the manufacture, importation and marketing of any food packaging containing Bisphenol A has entered into force. It is enforceable as of 1st January 2013 for infants and young children, and will be for the rest of the population from 1st January 2015.
This law also prohibits the use of tubing made with DEHP in pediatric, neonatology and maternity services from 1st July 2015. Within a period of one year from the enactment of the law, the government will submit a report on endocrine disruptors. This report will specify the health and environmental consequences of their presence and will discuss the right time for prohibiting the use of 3 phthalates (DEHP, DBP and BBP) in all medical devices. The French authorities will notify the law to the European Commission, which will then be obliged to extend it to the other Member States if it considers the reasons invoked as acceptable. It will bear in mind the opinion of the European Food Safety Authority, which is expected to be issued in May 2013.